PINK has been my little buddy and my baby for almost 3 years. Last month she under went surgery to have a lump removed that turned out to be a malignant fibrosarcoma. Because it is a malignant tumor it has a high chance of returning and the vet recommended extensive radiation treatments which can only be done at the University of Missouri. If she under went these treatment she would have to be away from home for a month and they would do radiation 5 days a week. After much prayer and tears and counsel from another vet I have decided not to put her through that because of the potential psychological issues it could cause, I decided that I wanted to keep her at home. So far she seems to be doing well and the vet is optimistic that they were able to catch it early and remove all of it. Of course just like everything else in life there is no guarantee and anything could happen at anytime but so far so good! She will be going to the vet every 12 weeks to watch for potential re-growth.
Isn't she the Cutest thing in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She is so cute!!!
Aw Pinkers! She's a doll!
I think Pink would like you to make her one of those collars like I made Daisy. Check it out in Bend the Rules Sewing.
I love lil' miss Pink and pray for her often!
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